Get involved

Your voice

Our priority is to make sure our residents have a safe, secure, and decent home - because after all, a good home improves lives. To help achieve this, we need to understand and listen to our residents on what we’re doing well, and where we could do better. We want to make sure residents are heard and have confidence that any feedback they have will be handled fairly and promptly.

We understand that residents engage differently - regardless of how residents decide to engage with us, all views will have equal importance. Whether a resident engages with us over the phone, online or in person, we will listen and ensure their voice is heard. 

On this page you can find information on the different ways you can engage with us, and how you can get involved to make sure your voice is heard.

Make Things Right

Everyone deserves a safe and secure home. That’s why we’re supporting the Government’s new campaign, Make Things Right, to ensure our residents know the steps to follow to resolve any issues.

If something isn’t right, the steps you can follow are:

  1. Report it to us
  2. Make a complaint
  3. Escalate to the Housing Ombudsman.

Find out more 

MTR image

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

In 2020, the government published the Social Housing White Paper. It set out a series of improvements for people living in social housing, including a new Charter.

Following this paper, we’ll soon start reporting on some Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs), so the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) can understand how well we’re doing at providing good quality homes and services to you, our residents. 

The voice of our community

The voice of our community

We’ve been working on new ways to work with our residents to ensure their voice is heard. One way we’ve done this is with our new Resident Voice Panel (RVP). The panel is designed to share feedback on our performance, review our policies and create strategic priorities to ensure we’re being fair and having a positive impact. Our RVP acts as an important committee to ensure our Board is hearing our resident’s voices.

The RVP is made up of five residents, all of whom went through a thorough recruitment process. The panel had their first meeting in May 2023, and will continue to meet two-to-four times a year to review our performance and make recommendations directly to our Board.

Our real time survey

Have you spoken with our customer service team recently? Or had a repair carried out? Then you’ll receive an automatic text or email survey that allows you to feedback on your experience. 

Should you be unhappy with your experience and score us negatively, we’ll reach out to you to understand more about your experience. This feedback will be crucial in helping us to continuously improve our service. We appreciate your feedback.
