Tenant Satisfaction Measures

Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures

From October 2023 to March 2024, we surveyed our social housing residents as part of the Regulator of Social Housing’s new Tenant Satisfaction Measure (TSM) survey.

We asked the same questions as other social housing providers across five core themes: repairs, building safety, effective complaint-handling, respectful and helpful tenant engagement, and responsible neighbourhood management.

Our approach

Thank you to the 486 residents (24%) who responded to our digital survey. To keep things fair, we partnered with an independent agency, ‘CX Feedback,’ who ran the survey for us. They contacted residents through email and text message. The respondents reflected our community well, with most being of Asian background, aged 36-55, and identifying as female.

Our results

The TSM results below include the 12 standard resident perception questions, along with 10 performance measures from our systems. Overall, our results show 26% satisfaction from residents. Our highest scoring areas were around repairs and safety, and our lowest performing areas were complaint handling and community contribution.

Repairs & Building Safety

Repairs & Building Safety Performance
Satisfied with our repairs service 35%
Satisfied with the time taken to complete a repair 34%
Satisfied with how well your home is maintained 25%
Satisfied with the safety of your home 30%
Gas safety checks completed 100%
Fire safety checks completed 100%
Asbestos safety checks completed 100%
Water safety checks completed 100%
Proportion of homes that meet the Decent Homes Standard 91%
Repairs completed within timescales (non-emergency) 80.6%
Emergency repairs completed within timescales 100%


Engagement & Respect

Engagement & Respect Performance
Satisfied your views are listened to and acted upon 20%
Satisfied you are kept informed about the things that matter to you 28%
Satisfied you are treated fairly and with respect 26%



Complaint Performance
Satisfied with our approach to handling complaints 13%
Complaints received per 1000 homes (Stage 1) 85.6
Complaints received per 1000 homes (Stage 2) 19.6
Complaints responded to within timescales (Stage 1) 89.4%
Complaints responded to within timescales (Stage 2) 89.7%


Neighbourhood Services

Neighbourhood Services Performance
Satisfied with how clean and well-maintained your communal areas are 28%
Satisfied with our positive contribution to neighbourhoods 19%
Satisfied with our approach to handling anti-social behaviour 22%
Anti-social behaviour cases received per 1000 homes 18.6
Anti-social behaviour cases received per 1000 homes (hate) 0


Next steps

We will submit our performance to the Regulator of Social Housing. In Autumn 2024, the results for the whole sector will be published, allowing residents to see how we perform compared to others.

We really appreciate your feedback and recognise that we need to get better. We are committed to addressing your concerns and expectations. To improve our services and resident experiences, we are making structural changes with a strong emphasis on safety, maintenance, and community involvement.

We will closely monitor the actions we take from our TSMs to ensure they deliver improvements for our residents. Soon, we will begin collecting our TSM data for 2024-25 and will be reaching out to our social housing residents to participate in the survey.

"The results show that our services haven't met the expectations or needs of our residents, and we understand how frustrating and disappointing this has been.

Moving forward, we're committed to making real changes. While we've made significant progress with building safety and regulatory compliance, we're continuing our transformation within THCH. We're focusing on improving our services, better communication, and making sure residents' homes are well-maintained and places people feel proud to live.

We hear our residents, and their feedback will guide our way. Transparency, accountability, and responsiveness will be a part of everything we do as we work to regain trust and meet expectations." - Anita Khan, CEO

Survey FAQs

We've put together some FAQs to help you understand what will happen if you're contacted to provide your feedback.

Why are you doing this survey?

We’re always looking for ways to improve what we do using resident feedback. In 2020, the government’s Social Housing White Paper set out a series of enhancements to improve the living conditions of people living in social housing.

As a result of this paper, the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) introduced a new framework for all social housing landlords to report on some Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). The Regulator will use the feedback from residents to understand our performance as a landlord.

Who will contact me?

We’ve asked an independent tenant engagement research agency, CX Feedback to help us collect survey responses. They’ll be in touch with our social housing residents via text message or email.

If you’re unable to complete the survey online, you can visit our Minerva Community Centre (E2 9EH) on 23 October between 10am - 2pm, where a member of our team can provide support.

When will CX Feedback get in touch?

You may receive a text message or email from ‘CX Feedback’. The survey shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. And don’t worry, your unique link to the survey will let CX Feedback know that you’ve already taken part and they’ll stop contacting you. 

If you’re unable to complete the survey online, you can visit our Minerva Community Centre on 23 October (E2 9EH) between 10am - 2pm where a member of our team can provide support.

What questions will you ask me?

The questions we’ll ask are the same ones that all other social housing providers will ask their residents. CX Feedback will ask for your opinions on five core themes: repairs, building safety, effective complaint-handling, respectful and helpful tenant engagement, and responsible neighbourhood management.

They will never ask for any personal passwords or financial information such as your bank account details.

Is my feedback confidential?

Yes. CX Feedback will share anonymous answers with THCH only. If there are any questions which you would prefer not to answer, please let them know. CX Feedback will never include anything in its findings that could identify you as an individual.

What information have you shared?

The only information we share with CX Feedback are your contact details.


How do I know my data is secure?

CX Feedback will preserve your privacy and protect the personal data used in conducting all research. For full details about CX Feedback’s privacy policy please visit: cx-feedback.co.uk/privacy

Why have I not been contacted?

In line with the Tenant Satisfaction Measures technical requirements, we must only report feedback from ‘Low-Cost Rental Accommodation’ and/or ‘Low-Cost Home Ownership’. Therefore, only our social housing/rented residents are included in the survey.

To meet requirements and ensure our data is reliable, the Regulator requires us to collect a response from 10% of our eligible residents. You may not be contacted every time we do a TSM survey.

What if I don’t want to take part?

That's fine. If you click on the link to the survey, there will be an option to opt-out – you won’t have to provide feedback and you won’t receive any reminder emails or texts.

Give us feedback

There are other ways to let us know how we’re doing:

  • By making a compliment or complaint
  • By joining our Resident Voice Panel 
  • By feeding back to staff out in our communities 
  • By responding to occasional surveys and consultations 


Get involved

We're here to help. Get in touch on 020 7780 3070 or