THCH and Poplar HARCA end partnership talks | News

THCH and Poplar HARCA end partnership talks

Following extensive discussions, Poplar HARCA and THCH have decided not to progress the proposed partnership.

Anita Khan, CEO of THCH said: ‘While this decision hasn’t been easy, it’s been made with our residents’ best interests in mind. Our goal remains to improve the services we provide and invest more into residents’ homes and communities.’

Steve Stride, Poplar HARCA’s CEO said: ‘We are obviously disappointed, as we firmly believe in the benefits a merger could bring to residents, and also both businesses.’

Both organisations remain committed to collaborating in the future to provide residents with the best possible services and remain committed to work together to address the housing challenges in Tower Hamlets.


Resident FAQs

Will THCH look for a new merger partner?

We are actively seeking other partnership opportunities to help us achieve long-term financial stability and improve services for residents. We will keep you informed.

Will THCH consider merging with the Council?

The position on merging with the Council remains unchanged from the recent statement issued by the LBTH. You can view this statement in full here for detailed information. We’ll continue to explore all options that will enhance our ability to serve our residents and meet community needs effectively. As always, we are committed to keeping you informed and involved in any future decisions or developments.

How will this affect residents?

While the decision not to proceed with the merger with Poplar HARCA may bring some uncertainty, please be assured that our priority is to ensure that your needs are met and that our communities remain strong. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback and input are valuable to us as we navigate through this process together.

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