Planned home improvements

Planned home improvements

We regularly renew and refurbish key elements of your home, such as kitchens, bathrooms, roofs, and windows.

Here, you’ll find details about planned improvements to your homes, including timelines, updates, and how these projects may affect you.

Get in touch

When are planned improvements needed?

We regularly carry out home surveys (called 'stock condition surveys') to check the condition of important parts of your home, like your kitchen and bathroom. These surveys help us decide if anything needs replacing or refurbishing.

In 2024, we completed a new round of surveys, giving us a clearer picture of the condition of our homes. This information will help us plan and prioritise improvement works as part of our investment programme.

How much do we investment in planned improvement works?

For the 2023-24 financial year, we’ve set aside over £2 million to improve residents’ homes through planned works. This is on top of our ongoing efforts to keep homes safe and up to standard with regulations.

To make sure we’re using this money wisely, we’ll focus on the actual condition of items when deciding what needs replacing. This means we won’t replace kitchens and bathrooms just because they’re old—we’ll prioritize improvements where they’re most needed.

How will I know if you’re planning works on my home?

If we’re planning to do any work in or around your home, we’ll get in touch with you beforehand to explain this.

If you’re a leaseholder, we’re legally required to consult with you. This means we’ll share details about the work, the estimated costs, the contractors we’re proposing to use, and we’ll answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Further information

Who carries out planned improvement works?

Our current contractor for planned works is Axis. They handle both day-to-day repairs and bigger improvement projects for us.

Do residents get a say in the design and colour?

You’ll have some say in the design and colour choices. You can discuss your preferences with the Axis Resident Liaison Officer.

Making your own home improvements

If your home isn’t scheduled for planned improvement work, there might still be smaller updates you can make to improve your space.

For leaseholders, we know you may want to make changes to make your house feel like home. Before you start any work, you need to get permission from THCH. Please fill out the below form and a member of our staff will get in touch.

Fill out this form about making alterations

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory