Bailey Tower, Martineau Square and Harrison House

Latest update

Following our last update, you will note that our cladding contractors, Kier, have almost completed their works with only isolated areas of small works remaining.

They have now reinstated the damaged paving and landscaping within the square, which included planting, shrubbery, and turfing which was removed during their works. We anticipate having all elements concluded within the next couple of weeks.

You will also have been requested by Kiers Resident Liaison Officer (RLO) to complete a satisfaction survey confirming that any consequential internal damage because of their works has now been satisfactorily completed. We would appreciate it you would oblige and complete this and ensure that any outstanding items are suitably resolved via the RLO prior to their departure.

Thank you again for your patience during this project.


An EWS1 form rates the external wall system of a building based on risk and combustibility. Find yours below. 

Harrison House EWS1

Fire Risk Assessments

FRAs ensure our buildings are safe & identify any works that may be required. Find yours below.

FRA media browser

The fire action advice for Bailey Tower, Martineau Square and Harrison House is to evacuate

For further information on this, visit our fire safety page. 

Fire safety advice 

Project phases

To give you an idea on timescales and what to expect with building safety work, we have created this project phase template. This provides a general overview of what to expect when your building is undergoing building safety works. 

Bailey Tower, Martineau Sqaure and Harrison House are in phase 3. 

Phase 1


Assessment & findings

Timeline (approximately)

Six months


  • Dedicated web page to store information and updates
  • A reminder to let you know when we are doing your survey
  • A letter shared with you with the findings
  • You’ll have access to any certificates or reports
  • You can ask us questions at any time

Risk mitigation

  • Annual Fire Risk Assessment available to residents on our website, with actions followed up in timely manner
  • Monthly health & safety inspections
  • Where required, installation of heat sensor alarm

Phase 2


Programme confirmation

Timeline (approximately)

Three months


  • Dedicated web page to store information and updates
  • Confirmation letters issued to lenders as required
  • Expected successful remediation outcome, based on current government guidelines (B1)
  • Depending on impact, you may be offered a resident meeting

Risk mitigation

  • Annual Fire Risk Assessment available to residents on our website, with actions followed up in timely manner
  • Monthly health & safety inspections
  • Where required, installation of heat sensor alarm

Phase 3


Remedial works begin on site


3-14 months


  • Dedicated web page to store information and updates
  • Depending on scale of work, we will share monthly or quarterly email updates with you
  • Single point of contact to raise issues (your Neighbourhood Officer)


Risk mitigation

Security measures taken place while on site e.g., CCTV on scaffolding/ secure hoarding

Phase 4


Certification received


  • Summary of project provided on dedicated web page
  • EWS1 B1 certificate issued and stored on our website

Risk mitigation

New FRA / EWS1 issued

Project: what we've done

April 2024 update

Our contractors, Kier, are currently in the final stages of their work, with a revised completion date set for May 2024. The scaffolding has been completely removed from Harrison House and Bailey Tower, other than from ground level to the first floor at both the front (west) and rear (east) along Martineau Square, where simultaneously, decking is being installed on these terraces.

In April, Keir’s compound will be disassembled, and the large containers will be removed from the site. Two small welfare units have been positioned on the opposite side of the square. These units will remain until the final lower stages of work are completed over the next few weeks. The contractor will then prioritise reinstating the landscaping, which will include replacing any damaged paving, planting shrubbery, and turfing.

Thank you for your patience during this project.

February 2024 update

Thank you for your patience with this project. As of February 2024, we expect completion of the project in April 2024. Once complete, we can issue the updated EWS1.

Our contractors are currently preparing the locations where cedarwood used to be for replacement with Cermapanel, a composite board. This will replicate the original look. Additionally, exterior lighting will be installed on all sides of the building, and your RLO will contact you to schedule installation appointments. Scaffold removal at Harrison House is ongoing.

Recent completions include the reinstallation of render on the South elevation and tiles on the corner of the East and South elevations of Bailey Tower. Soffit work has been completed on Level 1 of Harrison House where it meets the community center, as well as on Martineau Square and the entrance of Bailey Tower.

Minutes from the last resident's meeting on 29 August 2023, is available below. 

Resident’s Meeting Minutes

November 2023 update

We informed residents at our last residents meeting (August 2023) that the remediation project had been delayed from the initial expected completion date of May 2023, to late autumn 2023. The delay has been due to unforeseen weather, design and material supply issues. Whilst we cannot provide a specific completion date of all the works, the current aim is to be completed by the end of 2023. We are also planning to remove the welfare facilities and reinstate the paving and landscaping in January 2024.

General updates on what we've done:

  • Secured confirmation from the governments DLUHC Building Safety Fund grant for the cladding remediation works.
  • Partially completed compartmentation firestopping works within the communal areas through the original developer, Bellway. 
  • Completed the fire alarm installation to alert all residents in the event of fire within the blocks which remain on simultaneous evacuation until all of the recladding and compartmentation works are complete. The fire alarm system is fully operational. The waking watch service shall continue to monitor the buildings during this period. 
  • We remain in discussions with the original developer, Bellway and the NHBC about their contribution to the defective fire safety remediation works that are required, including those firestopping works within the flats.
  • Kier are in possession of the site. With their permanent site compound in the Martineau Square due to the limited space available. We apologise for any inconvience this may cause. 
  • Kiers Resident Liaison Officer continues their presence on site and is available to answer any queries relating to their works.
  • Fire alarm servicing of all detectors and panels within the blocks under immediate evacuation in the event of a fire breaking out.
  • Our consultants shall continue to attend and monitor the areas affected by the recladding works as a record to ensure the highest quality is maintained.

Initial project timeline

  • Appointment of contractor: March 2021
  • Enabling and opening up works: March/April 2021
  • Final design development with contractor: May 2021
  • Principal temporary works design including rail: June 2021
  • Principal contractor final costing review: October 2021
  • Principal contractor approval all works: December 2021
  • Start on site main works: February 2022
  • Handover: May 2022


Get in touch

We're here to help. If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

  • Call our customer service team on 020 7780 3070
  • Email us at

Paul Abraham, Bailey Tower's project manager, can also be contacted via e-mail at

We're here to help. Get in touch on 020 7780 3070 or